Barometer of fixed Internet connections in the Netherlands
H2 2021 – H1 2022
T-Mobile Thuis provided the best broadband Internet performances in the Netherlands during the last two semesters.

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The nPerf score, expressed in nPoints, gives an overall picture of the quality of a connection. It takes into account the measured bitrates (2/3 Download + 1/3 Upload) and the latency. These values are calculated on a logarithmic scale to better represent the perception of the user.
The nPerf analysis
This study is based on tests carried out by users of the nPerf web speed test.
Between July 1st, 2021 and June 30th, 2022 we counted in the Netherlands 458.552 speed tests, distributed as follows:

T-Mobile Thuis regains the leadership of the Dutch broadband Internet on our latest barometer.

It reaches the top place thanks to its very nice performance on the upload speed (126 Mb/s). Indeed, the difference between the three major ISP is larger on this KPI than on the others, which this provider doesn’t win. Nevertheless, the formerly subsidiary of the German giant should watch its back, as competition could be tough on the forthcoming months.
KPN finishes second
After ending in last position in all the last studies, the national incumbent fixed operator shows a solid improvement since 2020, thus exceeding Ziggo and reaching the second step.

KPN deserves the victory when it comes to the latency, with slightly better figures than its competitors.
Ziggo ends up in the last position of our ranking, despite making the difference on the most emblematic measure, the download speed.

In fact, its lead is wasted by disappointing upload throughputs: yet in early 2019, all its competitors did better than Ziggo still does today. Nevertheless, the final score allows it to turn the tide and stay in the game.
To sum up, these national figures are pretty good, and their trends encouraging. Nothing has to be taken for granted, as KPN and Ziggo are close behind the leader and won’t give up that easily.

nPerf offers an Internet speed test application, which can be used for free at Everyone is free to use nPerf to measure the quality of their Internet connection. The panel of this study is formed by our users in the Netherlands.
The nPerf study is based on the thousands of tests carried out monthly, exclusively by the operators’ end customers, which makes it the “crowdsourced” study based on one of the largest panels of the country.
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