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Barometer of Mobile Internet Connections in Switzerland – Year 2019

In 2019, nPerf users has made 27,027 connection tests (including speed test, browsing test and streaming test) with nPerf mobile app (iOS, Android) in Switzerland. 

Swisscom provided the Best Mobile Internet Performance in 2019.

Swisscom is the winner of the following categories:

  • Best upload speed with 19 Mb/s
  • Best latency with 32 ms.
  • Best browsing performance with a rate of 67%.
  • Best streaming performance with a rate of 87%.

And is in second position on the download speed with 61 Mb/s. 

Sunrise has provided the best mobile download speed during 2019 (63 Mb/s).

Except for the download speed, Swisscom is n°1 on all performance indicators.

Sunrise, in second position, is not far behind Swisscom but fails to catch up with the leader, in particular because of its too high latency.

For full details, click here:

BAROMETER IN ENGLISH >  https://media.nperf.com/files/publications/CH/2020-03-06_mobile-connections-survey-nPerf-2019.pdf

BAROMETER IN FRENCH >  https://media.nperf.com/files/publications/CH/2020-03-06_Barometre-connexions-mobiles-nPerf-2019.pdf

BAROMETER IN GERMAN >  https://media.nperf.com/files/publications/CH/2020-03-06-Barometer für mobile Internetverbindungen-nperf-2019.pdf