Barometer of mobile Internet connections in Ukraine
🏆 Vodafone provided in 2021 the best mobile Internet performances in Ukraine 🏆
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Our analysis
Between January 1st, 2021 and December 31st, 2021, users of the nPerf app completed 83 615 tests in Ukraine, distributed as follows, after filtering:
Vodafone remains the leader of the Ukrainian mobile internet
Thanks to its victory on all the main measures studied, this provider leads the race in our 2021 barometer. By showing an improvement on the average speeds (download & upload) and on the latency, its score collects more than 5.400 nPoints in one year (+10.3%). Indeed, Vodafone has kept a solid progression across the last years, and its score hadn’t been affected by the pandemic situation in 2020, unlike its opponents. Since, its progression continues and is consolidating. Nevertheless, its performances on QoE (web browsing and YouTube streaming) stagnate this year, and are slightly disappointing, compared its competitors, who globally improve them.
Vodafone subscribers enjoyed the best average mobile download speed (30.05 Mb/s) during 2021
Vodafone shows an increase in the second half, and maintains its 2020 victory over Kyivstar. Those two ISP have earned more than 40% each on this indicator (meaning approx. +9 Mb/s). Lifecell has offered a lower medium speed than its opponents across the year.
Vodafone subscribers enjoyed the best average mobile upload speed (12.97 Mb/s) during 2021
The trends and comments are quite similar to the download speed section above. The annual rise for Vodafone is around +35% (+3.4 Mb/s), and +46% (+4 Mb/s) for Kyivstar.
Vodafone subscribers enjoyed the best average mobile latency during 2021
And this time it’s a solitary success ! Indeed, in 2021 Vodafone has definitely surpassed Lifecell thanks to an improvement of almost 5 ms (9%).
Vodafone provided the best performance rate in mobile video streaming in 2021
This confirms it as the QoE champion in Ukraine. Only Kyivstar has managed not to decrease on this indicator in 2021 (only +0.4 points).
Kyivstar remains a serious challenger
Actually, the strongest nPerf score increase of the last year is for Kyivstar: + 7.560 points (+17%). This ISP shares the best LTE/LTE-CA connection rates with Vodafone, and finishes in second position of the ranking. It has shown nice enhancements on each indicator. This trend is very encouraging, and Vodafone should be aware of it for 2022.
Lifecell stays at the bottom of the ranking again this year
Its figures could be worse, but the level gap with its competitors is still too large to compete. To his credit, retains the win on the mobile connection success rate, like the last two years. Lifecell records the lowest enhancement of the three main ISPs after the important drop of 2020 (as Kyivstar did).
About nPerf
nPerf Speed Test, a french company, is one of the main leaders of telecom networks crowdsource testing.
nPerf uses its community of users in Ukraine performing tests on their mobile connections with the nPerf speed test app.
The nPerf score, expressed in nPoints, gives an overall picture of the quality of a connection. It takes into account the measured bitrates (2/3 on download + 1/3 on upload), the latency and is affected by QoE tests equally (browsing / streaming). The value of the points for the rates and the latency is calculated on a logarithmic scale, to better represent the perception of the user. Thus, this score reflects the overall quality of the connection felt by the user. – Facebook Linkedin Twitter – We qualify your connection