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Barometer of mobile Internet connections in Ireland

Vodafone provided the best mobile Internet performances in Ireland in 2022. 

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5G focus

Three and Vodafone provided the best 5G Internet performances in Ireland in 2022. 

Our analysis

In 2022 in Ireland, nPerf users have made 37.545 connection tests (including speed, browsing and streaming tests) through the nPerf mobile app (iOS, Android). With this kind of tests, nPerf measures the real performance. At nPerf, we consider that the customer experience on a mobile network is not only based on download speed, but also on other uses such as streaming and browsing.

This publication includes the 5G results.

Vodafone, best mobile carrier on mobile Internet services.

With a score of 105.970 nPoints, Vodafone is the leader ahead Three, number two, and then eir.

In 2022, Vodafone wins on the following nPerf indicators, notably taking over the lead on upload speeds and customer experience:

Best success rate with 96%

• Best upload speed with 35 Mbit/s

• Best browsing experience with a performance rate of 83%

• Best streaming experience with a performance rate of 86%

Three provided the best download speeds in the country while eir the best latency.

Regarding 5G, Three and Vodafone are tied for the lead. Concerning Three, by having provided the best 5G download speed (288 Mbit/s) and the best 5G latency around 20 ms.

A great battle in perspective is announced for 2023!  

nPerf, a french company, is one of the main leaders of telecom networks crowdsource testing.

nPerf uses its community of users in Ireland performing tests on their mobile connections with the nPerf speed test app.

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