Barometer of Fixed Internet Connections in Poland
First half 2021
UPC and Vectra
The best fixed Internet performances during the last semester

nPerf Analysis
During the last six months, nPerf users conducted 30,766 connection tests on Poland’s four largest Internet Service Providers, distributed after filtering as follows:

Inea, amongst others ISPs, hasn’t been considered for this period, because of the low number of tests carried out on this network.
And this time the winners are two! Indeed, UPC and Vectra share the first position for the H1 2021, and this is the first win for any of them, since 2018. Their constant progressions throughout the last years, and maybe the absence of Inea for this study, seem to help.
The average download speed in Poland was 152 Mb/s during the last semester.

After finishing second in the previous barometers, UPC has dominated the average download speed and the latency in Poland. Nonetheless, it appears to be the worst network when it comes to uploading. Its main rival, Vectra, doesn’t even need to lead on any indicator for the last semester. By recording the second best figures on the download speed and the latency, and thanks to a spectacular improvement on the upload speed since 2019, its leadership has come true.
Furthermore, Netia and Orange have provided good fixed connexions across Poland too, during the last six months, even if they fill the last positions of the nPerf ranking. The best performance progression belong to them. For example, they have offered the highest upload speeds in the country and, also, the strongest download speed evolution from 2019 is theirs!
Hence, the situation in Poland has turned very exciting in the last couple of years. Everything could happen in the next few months, once the scores have come this close… This tightening can be a great news for the polish Internet market.
The significant efforts from every operator are encouraging signs for the polish Internet users. Let’s keep a careful eye on the situation for the months to come!
For full details of the barometer click here: