nPerf Speed Test – Press release 15/02/2024
Barometer of mobile Internet connections in the United Kingdom
01/01/2023 – 31/12/2023
The subscribers of Three enjoyed the best mobile Internet performances in the United Kingdom during 2023.

The nPerf Score takes into account the measured speeds, the latency and the QoE tests (streaming and browsing).
All tests were carried out in the nPerf Internet Speed Test app, available on Android and iOS.
In our comprehensive analysis spanning from January 1st to December 31st, 2023, Three (106 Mb/s) has been identified as providing the fastest mobile download speeds in the United Kingdom.
Download speed: Indicates the amount of data your connection can receive in one second from the nPerf server. The highest the measured value, the best is the speed of your connection.
Excellent Speed: Download speeds greater than 25 Mb/s are classified as excellent, enabling activities such as 4K video streaming.
O2 and EE have achieved the best latencies (38 ms).
The latency describes how responsive your connection is. Lower latency translates to more immediate interaction with content. Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms).
Good Latency: 31-100 ms supports optimal Internet performance with minimal delay.
EE (15 Mb/s) and Three (14 Mb/s) have offered the fastest mobile upload speeds.
Upload speed: Indicates the amount of data your connection can send in one second to the nPerf server. The highest the measured value, the best is the speed of your connection.
Upload speeds greater than 10 Mb/s are classified as excellent, enabling subscribers to easily upload HD videos to the Internet.
Streaming test: EE, Three and Vodafone (82 %) provided the best streaming mobile video experience in France. The goal of the streaming test is to measure the quality of video viewing on the most popular streaming platform around the world: YouTube.
Excellent Streaming: A score between 75% and 100% indicates smooth video streaming.
The nPerf test evaluates YouTube streaming quality by conducting assessments at three different resolutions: 360p (Standard Definition), 720p (High Definition), and 1080p (Full High Definition). The overall rating is derived from an average of these three tests, ensuring a comprehensive measure of streaming performance across varying levels of video quality.
Browsing test: Three (71 %, equivalent to an average page load time of 2.9 seconds) and EE (70 %) emerged as the leading providers for web browsing.
The subscribers of Three enjoyed the best 5G mobile connections in the United Kingdom during 2023.

5G results: Three mobile’s subscribers enjoyed the highest average 5G download speed (251 Mb/s).

This study, conducted by nPerf, a French company with over a decade of experience in measuring Internet connections, is based on user-generated data from the nPerf mobile app. The app, available on iOS and Android, utilizes a global network of dedicated servers to accurately measure Internet connection speeds.
The nPerf study is based on thousands of tests carried out exclusively by the operators’ end-customers, making it one of the largest “crowdsourced” studies in the country. These tests reflect the real experience of the general public in the United Kingdom on the various Internet networks.
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