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Orange, the best mobile Internet in Romania

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Barometer of mobile Internet connections in Romania

H2 2021 – H1 2022

Orange provided the best mobile Internet performances in Romania during the last two semesters.

Image of the summary table png2000 png500.

The nPerf score, expressed in nPoints, gives an overall picture of the quality of a connection. It takes into account the measured bitrates (2/3 on download + 1/3 on upload), the latency and is affected by QoE tests equally (browsing / streaming). This score reflects the overall quality of the connection felt by the user.

The nPerf analysis 

This study is based on tests carried out by users of the nPerf mobile application, available for free on iOS and Android.

Between July 1st, 2021 and June 30th, 2022 we counted inRomania, after filtering, 27.297 tests:

The overall distribution of the tests per provider is as follows:

Orange leads comfortably the Romanian mobile Internet.

Thanks to its high 5G connection rate (on compatible devices), leading the bitrates KPIs becomes much easier.

The difference is particularly outstanding when looking at the download speed (145 Mb/s, meaning 2,2 times faster than Vodafone, 4 times faster than Telekom, almost 6 times faster than DiGi). Moreover, this ISP has dominated the races of the upload speed, the YouTube streaming experience and recorded one of the two best latencies of the past twelve months.

Orange provided the best performance rate in mobile video streaming, during the last two semesters.

Vodafone is not far behind, just a couple of points. The best evolution since early 2020 corresponds to DiGi. In contrast, Telekom has fallen sharply in the meantime: – 11 points!

The goal of the streaming test is to measure the quality of video viewing on the most popular streaming platform around the world: YouTube. It is calculated considering all the time required to load the video (before or during playback). If the ratio between the duration of the video and the overall reading time (reading + loading) tends to 1 then the performance index will tend towards 100%. And conversely, the more the ratio moves away from 1, the more the index will tend towards 0%. 

Orange recorded the best 5G connection rate of the last two semesters.

This means that, when a Romanian Internet user performs a test with a 5G compatible device on Orange’s mobile network, there’s 48.1% chances the 5G is used for it. Its subscribers may have benefited from a better (or earlier) 5G offer, before the rest of the ISP marketed theirs. Vodafone’s done a great work on this field too (30.5%). DiGi has started its race too, and now situates at 9.5%.

Vodafone is the actual challenger of this year’s study.

Indeed, all the best performances are distributed between the latter and Orange.

Vodafone is the winner when it comes to the success rate, the latency (shared with the global winner) and the web browsing experience.

Regarding the other KPIs, this ISP finishes in second position every time, after Orange. It scores approximately 10.000 nPoints less than Orange, but gains slightly more points than its rivals form the H1 2020 (+16.497).

Telekom and DiGi shows smaller performances and end up in, respectively, the 3rd and 4th rank of our barometer. 

Both obtain a similar score, of approximately 58.000 points, i.e. over 32.000 nPoints behind the champion, and that’s at very large gap to compete. Except their better 4G connection rate, which is not specially the best news, knowing than this is due to their smaller 5G connection rate, for the moment. Comparing to the first half of 2020, Telekom has almost stagnated (+1.5%, = +867 nPoints), whereas DiGi has made stronger efforts in the same time: +30.8% = +13.719 points.

nPerf offers a free application for testing the quality of the Internet connection, downloadable for free on Android and iOS (Apple) mobile devices. Everyone is free to use this app to measure the quality of their mobile connection. The panel of this study is formed by the users of the nPerf application in Romania. 

Thus, the nPerf study is based on the thousands of tests carried out monthly, exclusively by the operators’ end customers, which makes it the “crowdsourced” study based on one of the largest panels of the country.

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