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nPerf Speed Test Press release 02/01/2024

Barometer of fixed Internet connections in Ireland

01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023

The subscribers of eir and Virgin Media enjoyed the best fixed Internet performances in Ireland during 2023.

The nPerf score takes into account the measured speeds and the latency. The value of the points for the rates and the latency is calculated on a logarithmic scale, to better represent the perception of the user.

All tests in this study come from nPerf’s free Internet speed test.

In our comprehensive analysis spanning from January 1st to December 31st, 2023, Virgin Media (241.5 Mb/s) has been identified as providing the fastest fixed download speeds in Ireland.

Download speed: Indicates the amount of data your connection can receive in one second from the nPerf server. The highest the measured value, the best is the speed of your connection.

Excellent Speed: download speeds greater than 25 Mb/s are classified as excellent, enabling activities such as 4K video streaming.

International Comparison: Ireland’s average fixed download speed (158 Mb/s) has surpassed the one in countries such as Sweden (148 Mb/s), Germany (113 Mb/s) or Croatia (79 Mb/s).

The subscribers of eir enjoyed the best average broadband latency (20 ms) in 2023.

The latency describes how responsive your connection is. Lower latency translates to more immediate interaction with content. Latency is measured in milliseconds (ms). 

0-30 ms is considered excellent, allowing real-time interaction.

Three and eir have offered the fastest upload speed in Ireland (50 Mb/s).  

Upload speed: Indicates the amount of data your connection can send in one second to the nPerf server. The highest the measured value, the best is the speed of your connection.

Upload speeds greater than 10 Mb/s are classified as excellent, enabling subscribers to easily upload HD videos to the Internet.

In the competitive landscape of Ireland’s fixed broadband market, Virgin Media and eir emerge as joint frontrunners, each showcasing exceptional strengths that cater to the diverse needs of Irish consumers.

The study employs a strong filtering method to reflect real customer experiences on a specific network (mobile or fixed line). Measures are taken to prevent probes and measurement robots from affecting the results.

The nPerf study is based on thousands of tests carried out exclusively by the operators’ end-customers, making it one of the largest “crowdsourced” studies in the country. These tests reflect the real experience of the general public in Ireland on the various Internet networks. 

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