Barometer of Fixed Internet Connections in the Netherlands – Year 2020
In 2020, nPerf users performed 1,147,558 connection tests on the five largest ISPs in the Netherlands. After filtering, our survey is based on 951,035 relevant tests.
Caiway, the best fixed Internet performance in the Netherlands in 2020

Caiway is the winner of all our categories:
• Best download speed with 127 Mb/s
• Best upload speed with 123 Mb/s
• Best latency with 20 ms
However, it should be noted that this ISP only represents 6.8 % of our tests, which means that it does not meet the network problems of the imposing historic operators like KPN and ZIGGO.
In 2020, the average download speed in the Netherlands was 96 Mb/s.
Globally, all ISPs have provided constant download speeds over the period except in the last quarter when Caiway and Ziggo have accelerated their speed.
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