July 2018
Who provides the best fixed Internet in Thailand?
It is time for nPerf to release the Barometer of fixed internet connection in Thailand for first half of 2018! So, who provides the best fixed internet in Thailand? We have analyzed 4,043,963 speed tests in Thailand from 1 January 2018 to 30 June 2018!…
Smartfren provides the best mobile Internet services
Who provides the best mobile internet in Indonesia? During the first six months of 2018, nPerf in Indonesia has collected 319,552 tests, including speed tests, streaming tests and browsing tests. In summary, Smartfren provides the best mobile internet services in the first half of 2018. Smartfren…
Unitymedia is the fastest fixed Internet provider
It is time for nPerf to release the Barometer of Fixed Internet Connection in Germany for the first half of 2018! So, who provides the best fixed internet in Germany? We have analyzed 2.382.027 speed tests in Germany from 1 January 2018 to 30 June 2018.…
True Move H provides the best Mobile Internet in Thailand
Who provides the best mobile internet in Thailand? During the first half of 2018, nPerf has collected a total of 551,295 tests from nPerf mobile app. Based on analysis, True Move H remains the number one in Thailand! With the best performances in download speed (15,73 Mb/s), upload…